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This section is about the Command Line Interface (CLI) of Serinus.

The Serinus CLI offers a series of commands that help your create, build, and run your Serinus applications.


To install the Serinus CLI, you need to have Dart installed on your machine. If you don't have Dart installed, you can follow the instructions on the Dart website.

Once you have Dart installed, you can install the Serinus CLI by running the following command:

dart pub global activate serinus_cli


To use the Serinus CLI you just need to call the serinus command followed by the command you want to run.

Here is a list of the available commands:

createCreate a new Serinus projectCreate Command
generateGenerate code for your Serinus projectGenerate Command
runServe your Serinus projectServe Command
deployGet the Dockerfile to deploy your applicationDeploy Command

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