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Web servers are all about routing requests to the right handler. They use the path and method of the request to determine which handler should be executed.

Serinus uses the Route class to define routes and the Controller class to group routes that share the same base path.

Define a route

To define a route you can either create a class that extends the Route class or use the following factory constructor to create one.

Factory ConstructorHTTP Method

All this methods has a required parameter path that is the path of the route and the method signature corresponds to the method that the route will respond to.

Then you can add it to the controller using the on method.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';
import 'my_routes.dart';

class MyController extends Controller {
  MyController({super.path = '/'}) {
    on(GetRoute(path: '/'), (context) async {
      return 'Hello World';
    on(Route.get('/'), (context) async { // This is the same as the previous route
      return 'Hello World!';
import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class GetRoute extends Route {

  const GetRoute({
    required super.path, 
    super.method = HttpMethod.get,



You should use a class when you need to define a route that has some specific behavior that you want to reuse across your application. If you just need to define a route that will be used only once, you can use the factory constructor.

Transform the RequestContext

You can transform the RequestContext before it reaches the route handler by augment the class with the mixin OnTransform and overriding the method transform.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class GetRoute extends Route {
    const GetRoute({
        required super.path, 
        super.method = HttpMethod.get,

    Future<void> transform(RequestContext context) async {


You can parse some of the Request properties before they reach the route handler by creating a ParseSchema and passing it to the route.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class AppController extends Controller {
  AppController({super.path = '/'}) {
      (context) {
        return 'Hello World!';
        query: object({
          'name': string().minLength(3),

To learn more about the ParseSchema, check the Schema section.

Route hooks

You can also define hooks that will be executed before and after the route is executed. To use them you need to augment the class with the mixin OnBeforeHandle and OnAfterHandle and override the methods beforeHandle and afterHandle.

import 'package:serinus/serinus.dart';

class GetRoute extends Route with OnBeforeHandle, OnAfterHandle {
    const GetRoute({
        required super.path, 
        super.method = HttpMethod.get,

    Future<void> beforeHandle(RequestContext context) async {
      // Do something before the route is executed

    Future<void> afterHandle(RequestContext context, Response response) async {
      // Do something after the route is executed

These two methods are actually local hooks. You can check when they will be executed in the Request Lifecycle section.

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